Monday, October 23, 2017

Creativity & Photo Stories


I was very excited about this weeks learning assignment because I love taking pictures. My boyfriend, featured in the video, complains because I am always taking photos, especially when they are of him. I like to be creative in that way, taking photos from different angles, drawing, etc. while he likes to take apart vehicles and figure out what is wrong with them. Creativity comes in different disguises, which I think relates to what Sir Ken said. My boyfriend is a good example of this, because while he did not the best when in regular school, when he was allowed to go to a technical school to do an automotive program, he excelled. This is similar to Sir Ken's story of Gillian Lynne who was a dancer and became very successful.

Photo Story

I chose to do my photo story on a hike that my boyfriend and I went on the other morning. The photos include the peaceful views, a shelter we found, and my boyfriend, some close up photos others not. I tried to vary the style of the photos. I do not have a lot of experience with making videos, but after watching the couple videos, I found it very easy to use. I liked that they had a lot of music to choose from and I was able to find one that I thought fit with my video which was even called "outdoor adventure". I found it a little tricky to move things around once the transitions were in there because it would change the length of the clips, but I was able to figure it out.

Boston Globe Photo Story

I looked at the World Aquatics Championship photo story on the Boston Globe's page. Their photos were obviously of much higher quality, but I aspire to one day be able to take photos like and learn how to edit them as well. There were a lot of photos and a lot of different views, and I thought this was a cool topic because the action shots come out really interesting. There are also some really funny faces made when they are competing, but the coolest part is when the water has not yet broken and they are in almost a bubble of water.

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