I thought that this weeks topic was really fun, I have always enjoyed making presentation in class. I enjoy doing things that allow me to be creative and I think that knowing how to make a good presentation is also really important. They are not just useful for school, you might have to create one at work someday or for some other occasion, and it is good know to know how to make a presentation that is not
The articles that gave Garr Reynolds' tips on how to make a better presentation we're really helpful and I think that they all had good points. Keeping it simple was a theme through all of them and I can certainly agree that this helps the people watching the presentation. If you want the audience to be focused on what your are saying to them, it is key to not have too much going on in your slides, especially text. The audience will want to read the text and then they won't be listening to you. Another important thing that they said was to keep it short, after a while the audience will start to get bored so keeping things short and simple help keeps people attentive.
Using WeVideo
I used my photos that I put in my presentation as my backgrounds, only having one photo per slide, and made sure that there were only a few words on each slide. In my video presentation using WeVideo, I explained those slides more in depth, but the audience did not have to listen to me and try to read the slides because they easy and quick to read. I thought that WeVideo worked really well for making the presentation. The only thing that I thought would be better is if you could switch from the web camera to the screen view while recording, but I thought that I was able to make it work with the separate clips.
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